Growing older in Rüdersdorf
Around a quarter of the citizens of our municipality are 65 years old or older. The importance
of ageing and dealing with the individual needs of senior citizens affects not only them, but a large proportion of all residents.
Together with the senior citizens' advisory council, the diverse range of clubs and the local associations of the Workers' Welfare Association and the Volkssolidarität, sports programmes have been launched to promote
physical mobility, among other things. Fall prevention programmes are also offered in our local area, as the risk of serious injury from a fall increases with age. The exercise programmes keep you physically and mentally fit, while also boosting your self-confidence and well-being. Sport helps to alleviate health problems, creates a zest for life and gives you the courage to trust your body.
Seniors' get-togethers offer older people the opportunity to socialise and at the same time facilitate a lively exchange. In addition to coffee and card games, the individual local associations also offer joint excursions or walks.
Membership of one of our clubs or a local association of the AWO or Volkssolidarität can prevent
feeling lonely or even marginalised in old age. These institutions make it possible to do sport together, grow older with exercise and socialise with like-minded people.
Volksolidarität Barnim e.V. Ortsgruppe Rüdersdorf runs the Plauderstübchen at Friedrich-Engels-Ring 20, 15562 Rüdersdorf bei Berlin. It also runs Club 2 in the gymnasium in Willi-Müller-Straße in 15562 Rüdersdorf bei Berlin. The senior citizens in the Plauderstübchen can be reached by telephone on 033638 3397.
The Volkssolidarität Barnim e.V. local group Herzfelde offers a senior citizens' meeting place in the Herzfelde community centre at Möllenstraße 12 in 15378 Rüdersdorf bei Berlin.
The Rüdersdorf branch of the AWO meets for coffee on Tuesdays between 9 and 11 a.m. at Straße der Jugend 28, 15562 Rüdersdorf bei Berlin.
If you are interested, please contact your local branch.
Seniors' Advisory Council
For suggestions and proposals that could sustainably improve the lives of senior citizens,
please contact the senior citizens' advisory board of the municipality of Rüdersdorf bei Berlin.
You can reach Mrs Jaeger, Chairwoman of the Seniors' Advisory Council, by telephone on 0179 3945117 or by email at sb.iris.jaeger@ruedersdorf.de.