Family walk with a toddler

Families & Social Affairs

Social guide

Drawings of different family constellations

Social guide of the municipality

Your way to social organisations and contacts


The social network in our region is close-knit. The services offered by institutions, associations, organisations and service providers are just as diverse as their areas of activity.

The social guide of the municipality of Rüdersdorf near Berlin is designed to help you keep track of things. It is intended to be your guide to educational, counselling and support services.

In addition to direct contacts and various contact details, the social guide also contains descriptions of services and links that take you to the providers' websites for further information.
The services can be divided into two sections.

Chapter 1: Offers within the community:

  • Offers for general counselling
  • Offers for children and young people, young families and single parents
  • Offers for older people with health restrictions
  • Leisure and holiday activities
  • Offers of practical help
  • Therapy and special sports programmes

Chapter 2: Offerings outside the community:

  • Offers for general counselling
  • Offers for mental, physical or other health restrictions
  • Labour office, social welfare office and co.
  • Further offers
  • Networks