Via Marchionis – der Weg der historischen Traditionen Brandenburgs und des Lebuser Landes



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Via Marchionis – der Weg der historischen Traditionen Brandenburgs und des Lebuser Landes.


  • Gmina / municipality of Santok in Poland
  • Municipality of Rüdersdorf near Berlin
  • Museums- und Kultur GmbH Rüdersdorf
  • Seenland Oder-Spree e. V.

Förderung (EFRE): 1.642.733,47 Euro

Zeitraum: 16.10.2024 - 15.04.2027

Ziel: Das Hauptziel des Projekts ist die Entwicklung des nachhaltigen Tourismus im Land Brandenburg und in Lubuskie, indem das geschaffene Angebot entlang des Markgrafenwegs „Via Marchionis“ zwischen Rüdersdorf bei Berlin und Santok vermarktet wird. Im Rahmen des Projekts sollen ein gemeinsames, abgestimmtes Marketingkonzept erstellt, die touristische Infrastruktur instandgesetzt und ergänzt sowie ein Netzwerk von
Tourismusvereinen sowie Gewerbetreibenden aus der Tourismusbranche geschaffen werden.

Impressionen von der Vertragsunterzeichnung:

INTERREG V A - abgeschlossen


  • Municipality of Rüdersdorf near Berlin
  • Gmina / municipality of Santok in Poland

funding (ERDF): 

1,731,511.5 euros

Project page of the funding organisation

As part of the funding programme, two sports boat moorings were built in the municipalities of Rüdersdorf near Berlin and Santok in Poland. Furthermore, a joint cross-border water tourism route between the two municipalities was designed and upgraded in terms of infrastructure.

The project "Rivers connect us - Stage II. Expansion of cross-border water tourism infrastructure in the EPEV area" of the municipalities of Rüdersdorf near Berlin and Santok was funded as part of the BB-PL INTEREEG V A 2014-2020 cooperation programme within priority axis I Joint preservation and use of natural and cultural heritage.

The grant agreement for the German-Polish project in Santok was signed on 8 August 2018. In addition, the two mayors at the time, André Schaller (Rüdersdorf) and Józef Ludniewski (Santok), signed a joint declaration of partnership for the implementation of the German-Polish INTERREG project. The two mayors thanked all employees involved in the project for their commitment, in particular the former mayor of Santok Stanislaw Chudzik.

The project not only strengthened German-Polish cooperation, but also laid the foundations for further mutual understanding. By supporting the project, the two municipalities will further intensify German-Polish cooperation, promote cohesion within the EU and provide important impetus for further joint projects.

After the project was completed, both project partners decided to form a town twinning partnership, which is still actively being brought to life today through school exchanges, photo group exchanges and applications for further funding.

The INTERREG V a project was completed with the ceremonial opening of the harbour facilities in September 2020. To mark the opening, a canoe trip was organised along the 238 km route from Santok to Rüdersdorf.

Impressions of the opening of the moorings: