Municipal heat planning

Our path to becoming a climate-neutral municipality

Municipal heat planning

The path to municipal heat planning

The municipality of Rüdersdorf near Berlin has begun drawing up its municipal heating plan. It is being supported by the regional energy network operator EWE NETZ, which won the tender.

On this subpage, we will regularly report on the steps towards our municipal heat planning, communicate interim results and provide information on events.

In future, the heating plan will give citizens and businesses certainty as to whether and which centralised heat supply they can count on locally. After the municipality received funding from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection last year, the official go-ahead for the creation of the heating plan was given a few weeks ago with a kick-off meeting at the beginning of 2024. The planning process will take around a year in total.

I am very pleased that we applied for funding in good time and received approval quickly. This allows us to create planning security for the people in our municipality at an early stage. Municipal heat planning provides us with a powerful instrument that supports us on our way to climate neutrality. (Sabine Löser, Mayor)


Four project phases until the start of implementation

Municipal heat planning takes around one year and comprises four phases: Analysis of the current situation, analysis of potential, development of the target scenario and heat transition strategy. In the inventory analysis, the current state of the heat supply in the municipality of Rüdersdorf is analysed. The potential for climate-neutral energy generation is then determined. Based on these analyses, various target scenarios for a future climate-neutral heat supply are drawn up. Finally, a strategy for the heating transition is developed, which includes a catalogue of measures for the municipal area. Neighbourhoods that are suitable for heating networks are also defined. Once the municipal heating plan has been published, the municipality of Rüdersdorf bei Berlin undertakes to implement at least five of the proposed measures within the next five years.

Public participation

The municipal heating plan does not dictate to anyone how heating must be provided in future - that is not the aim. It identifies areas that could be suitable for heating networks and areas in which building owners themselves must endeavour to find a climate-friendly solution. During the one-year planning process, concrete development paths and project approaches will emerge. Interest groups and business representatives will be involved and informed on an ongoing basis, both analogue and digital. Information and tips for building owners will be provided both on this subpage and at public events.

Together with EWE NETZ, the roadmap for a climate-friendly future in Rüdersdorf is being created.

 We are providing the municipality of Rüdersdorf near Berlin with a holistic strategy and combining climate neutrality and security of supply. The heating plan for the municipal area will be drawn up in a technology-neutral manner" (Marcus Krücken, Project Manager for Municipal Heating Planning at EWE Netz)

"Digital twin" of the municipality

As an energy network operator, EWE NETZ already has extensive structural and consumption data. The network operator also uses special software, the so-called "digital twin" from Enersis. With the help of the programme, the municipality is digitally represented in a building-specific manner and the energy consumption, energy sources and renewable potentials are visualised transparently. To do this, the software analyses, combines and interprets all available data.

We offer the municipality of Rüdersdorf near Berlin a holistic solution concept based on our many years of experience with municipal energy supply. We cater to the needs of the municipality and take all legal requirements into account.(Jan Münch , Municipal Advisor at EWE NETZ)


Legal framework and the Rüdersdorfer Weg

Since the Building Energy Act (GEG) was passed in autumn 2023, municipal heat planning, which is enshrined in the Heat Planning Act, has received increased attention. It serves the Federal Government's goal of making the heat supply in Germany climate-neutral by 2045. The Heat Planning Act stipulates that municipalities such as the municipality of Rüdersdorf near Berlin must submit a completed municipal heat plan by 30 June 2028 at the latest.