Noise action plan

Noise action plan

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Noise action plan

A noise action plan contains specific measures to reduce noise. The 4th stage of the noise action plan for the municipality of Rüdersdorf near Berlin is currently being updated

A noise action plan is an interdisciplinary planning instrument that takes noise protection concerns into account as far as possible in all infrastructural and environmental planning.

The aim of this planning is, on the one hand, to reduce environmental noise primarily in those places where noise pollution has reached a level that is harmful to health. On the other hand, quieter areas should also be protected and preserved as such.

To this end, the EU issued the "Environmental Noise Directive" in 2002. According to this directive, the environmental noise level is first recorded in noise maps as part of a two-stage process and a corresponding noise action plan is then drawn up to reduce noise pollution.

The local authorities are responsible for drawing up this catalogue of measures, which is to be revised every five years according to the recommendation, and should work in close consultation with the public concerned.

Corresponding concepts therefore usually include strengthening local public transport, adapting speed limits and using noise-reducing road surfaces. As noise levels as low as 60 decibels can impair hearing and cause stress and cardiovascular disease, it is up to local authorities to use these plans not only to achieve positive effects on health protection and improve the quality of life, but also to enhance the municipality itself as a place to live and invest.

Stage 4 of noise action planning, which starts in 2023, requires federal states and local authorities to re-examine the noise situation in their areas and draw up corresponding action plans by July 2024. In the fourth stage, the noise maps for the municipality of Rüdersdorf bei Berlin will be updated.

Update of the Noise Action Plan 4th stage - Municipality of Rüdersdorf near Berlin

As the responsible authority, the municipality of Rüdersdorf bei Berlin has prepared a draft for the update of the noise action plan for the municipality of Rüdersdorf bei Berlin. The 4th stage of the Noise Action Plan 2013/16 is currently being updated. In addition to the final public exhibition, a digital citizens' consultation was introduced as an additional element on 13 February 2024 between 4 and 6 pm. Here, interested citizens were able to ask their questions and receive answers from the planning office SVU Dresden. The comments will be incorporated directly into the new noise action plan. A transcript of the online consultation is linked below.

In addition, until 29 February 2024, it was possible to send comments, suggestions or proposals for measures for updating the noise action plan for the municipality of Rüdersdorf bei Berlin by email or post to the municipal administration, Department 1 - Planning and Construction, Hans-Striegelski-Straße 5, 15562 Rüdersdorf bei Berlin. An online form could also be used.

The legal basis for drawing up the noise action plan is Section 47d of the Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG). This stipulates that the responsible authorities must draw up a noise action plan containing specific measures to reduce and prevent the harmful effects of environmental noise and to maintain the quality of the environment. All roads with a traffic volume of more than 3 million vehicles per year must be analysed.

Final version and TÖB participation

The final report was submitted by the engineering firm on 5 August 2024. From 6 August up to and including 3 September 2024, the public interest bodies (TÖB) now have another opportunity to comment. The document will then be discussed in the specialist committees and submitted to the municipal council for a resolution.