A warm welcome
in our community
Dear citizens and guests,
I am pleased to welcome you to our website!
With our completely rebuilt website, we have got rid of some of the ballast and created a modern, efficient and streamlined internet presence. Together with our Rüdersdorf-bei-Berlin app, the website is the central building block for anyone who wants to find out more about the municipality or find their way to the online town hall.
Get an overview of our municipality and its districts, leisure and cultural activities, tourism and our industrial and commercial enterprises. In our calendar of events you can find a variety of festivals, meetings and dates and find out about the lively club life.
Dank Onlinebekanntmachung ist unsere Internetpräsenz das zentrale Instrument zur Information über das aktuelle Geschehen im Ort. Seien es die Sitzungen der Gemeindevertretung, Fachausschüsse oder Ortsbeiratssitzungen oder eben aktuelle Informationen und Meldungen rund um unsere Gemeinde.
With our online town hall, we give everyone in the municipality the opportunity to make use of our services from the comfort of their own home at any time of day. The catalogue of services is being expanded step by step. If you do not yet have an online service, you can also download the forms. However, people who are unable to do this will of course continue to find friendly support at the Citizens' Office. A special service is the comprehensive insight into our local political life. In the council information system, you will not only find the elected members of the municipal council, the specialised committees and the local advisory councils. You can also find and track all the dates of the committee meetings, the agendas, minutes and resolutions.
There is a lot going on in our lively and attractive districts of Hennickendorf, Herzfelde, Lichtenow and Rüdersdorf. Whether it's carnival, Walpurgis Night, the mountain festival, the Stienitzsee festival, the autumn market, health days, the colourful mile, Halloween or the sporting and cultural highlights - there's something for everyone. Visit the museum park, take part in the Stienitzsee run at the beginning of September or in one of the many other events.
If you miss something on our website, please let us know at ortsleben@ruedersdorf.de.
And now have fun browsing through our pages!
A warm welcome from
Sabine Löser