Important news in and from Hennickendorf
All events organised by the municipality of Rüdersdorf near Berlin can be found here.
Club life
The people of Hennickendorf feel at home in their hometown. This is demonstrated by their many activities and their commitment to numerous clubs and groups. Club, folk and local festivals, together with guests and friends, are also an integral part of the village's cultural programme. Click here to go to the information page of the local heritage association and to the community's overview of associations.
The quail tower
The quail tower can be visited from 1 April to 31 October each year.
Admission prices: Adults: 1.50 euros, children free.
We are on call on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on 0171 / 708 77 27. Appointments for viewings on weekdays from Monday to Friday can be arranged by telephone or by sending an e-mail to heimatverein@hennickendorf.de.
You can then acquire the tower diploma again. If possible, park your car below the tower.
Contact us
Hennickendorfer Heimatfreunde e.V.
Berliner Straße 3
15378 Rüdersdor bei Berlin OT Hennickendorf
0171 / 708 77 27
heimatverein@hennickendorf.deHistory of the quail tower
Built: 1938-1940
Designer: Architect H. Groß, Berlin - October 1937
Master bricklayer Friedrich Henze, Hennickendorf, Rehfelder Straße 41
Master carpenter Reinhold Neumann, Hennickendorf, Bahnhofstraße 14Height of the quail tower: 28 metres, 96 steps up to the platform
Damaged by incendiary bombs in 1944
Start of roof renovation 1989, Langenberg, Hennickendorf
Timber framework 1994, Spindler joinery, Hennickendorf
Wood preservation renovation 1994, Funke & Co, Isernhagen bei Hannover
Brickwork 1994, contractor W. Pflugradt, Hennickendorf
Electrical installation 1994, contractor Grosser, Rüdersdorf, H.-Schroer-Straße 61
Painting 1994, contractor A. Polack, Rüdersdorf, Ernst-Thälmann-Straße 48
Lightning protection system 1994, contractor Langenberg, HennickendorfCost of the reconstruction: 135,000 DM
Inauguration of the Wachtel Tower: 25 June 1994 by the mayor Wolfgang Paschke on the occasion of the 3rd Wachtelberg Festival
Lament of an observation tower
The local observation tower offers a wide panoramic view, as far as Berlin on a clear day. In the following lines, our People's Correspondent Gerhard Riemke encourages its restoration, which requires relatively little funding:
For 15 years now I have been looking steadfastly into my home country,
gazing over villages, towns, across wide fields.
Hennickendorf - well known to you all -
gave me the site and also the money to build it.I always wanted to serve for the joy of many people,
I wanted to widen their view of home.
But unfortunately only a few turned up;
we all suffered under the heavy hardships of war.The nights back then were full of the smell of burning like fire,
the flames of death beat high into the sky.
I had to watch as the monsters of war
smashed Germany's capital, my Berlin.It wasn't completely painless for me either.
An anti-aircraft shell tore me to shreds on the roof.
The wounds healed, but... money was tight back then.
Thank you, men, for your quick help in your field!I am not yet completely satisfied with my lot!
You should have me repaired on the inside.
Then everyone could come - small and large,
to embrace the homeland at a glance.The children could look at their fathers' works
Factories, quarries, barges on the lakes -
and thus learn how we too can help build
new, bright, comfortable and beautiful cities.The traveller would also find the feast for his eyes,
his gaze glided over meadows, forests, farmland,
saw white sails, brown heath
in the distance and a digger's strong arm in the light sand.Now make sure that my laments
are finally silenced completely, in sunshine and in storm!
And then, experience the beautiful homeland again,
otherwise I will remain a hopeless lookout tower!Local newspaper for the Strausberg district
"Neuer Tag" from 19 January 1956
The local history museum
The museum of local history is located on the upper floor of the former town hall in Hennickendorf. Every 4th Saturday of the month (except December) from 2 to 5 pm, the local history association invites visitors to a museum day. Visitors are given a brief insight into the work of the association. Over coffee and cake, you can chat and look at beautiful views of Hennickendorf, postcards and photos.
Contact us
Museum location:
Berliner Str. 3
15378 Rüdersdorf near Berlin OT HennickendorfContact:
Hennickendorfer Heimatfreunde e.V.
Mr Georg Jagiela
(033434) 45 786History of the museum of local history
After several visits to the twin town of Neuburg am Rhein, the desire to create a museum of its own in Hennickendorf grew. Initially, a room on the middle floor of the former town hall was made available to the local history society for this purpose. Old artefacts that members of the association had contributed from their private collections were initially exhibited there. The collection was manageable at first, but over time visitors brought in more exhibits and the museum slowly grew.
When the town hall was remodelled with the support of the Sparkasse, the museum had to be relocated. It was given a new location in the attic, which had previously only been accessible via a ladder. The work was completed in February 1994 and the museum was able to move into its new premises. A staircase now led to the former file room, which previously only consisted of visible beams and chimneys. This area was completely panelled with wood and transformed into an inviting museum room. The Hennickendorf local history museum was officially opened on 4 March 1994.
All of the museum's exhibits come from donations. They cover a variety of areas of life and offer visitors an insight into everyday life in times gone by. On the last Saturday of every month, the local history association organises themed events that are open to visitors. Guests are also welcome outside of these dates. Pupils from the "Grundschule am Stienitzsee" primary school regularly use the museum as part of their lessons. The museum serves as one of the stations, particularly during the annual school rally held in September. Former pupils often visit the museum as part of class reunions when they return to their home town.
In addition to the visible exhibits, the museum also preserves old files, photo albums and other documents that bear witness to the past and present of the village.