Mission statement

What drives us

Mission statement

Our self-image as an administration

The municipality of Rüdersdorf near Berlin is a cosmopolitan and diverse community. With all its historical breaks, incisions and special features, it offers both challenges and opportunities.

As employees, we are part of the community and the people who live here. An appreciative, respectful and open approach both internally and externally is the basis and self-image of our daily work. As employees of the administration, we firmly oppose any form of discrimination.

Friction, conflict and contradictions can arise in our daily dealings with each other and with local people. We recognise open and fair discussion and the challenges that arise from this as part of a democratic administrative structure.

The municipal administration and all subordinate units are service providers for the people who live here. We see our work as a mission, not a request.

We adapt our services to the needs of a constantly changing and dynamic society and see ourselves as a service provider for local people. In doing so, we act on the basis of the applicable law. We take people's needs and circumstances into account. We listen to them, are open to their concerns and respond appropriately to the situation.

Our goal is to get better every day. Together, we are constantly optimising our processes. The basis for this is a learning organisation. Mistakes and criticism are opportunities to improve our own work. Managers ensure that this is done in an appreciative manner and that the culture of learningandcontinuous improvement is actively practised.

The aim of our actions is to find solutions to the challenges we face.

We see digitalisation as an opportunity. It helps to organise processes more effectively, reduce workloads and conserve resources.

Mission statement of the municipality

In October 2015, the municipal council adopted a mission statement for our municipality. With the revision of the Integrated Urban Development Concept(INSEK 2035), the objectives and guidelines for trade were revised and formalised. It is these goals and values that guide our actions.

Four five fields of action were identified

  • Life & Living

Rüdersdorf near Berlin is an attractive and liveable community.

  • Economy & Tourism

Rüdersdorf near Berlin offers jobs, a strong economy and numerous tourist attractions.

  • Environment & Health

Rüdersdorf near Berlin is an environmentally conscious and health-promoting community.

  • Family & Social Affairs

Rüdersdorf near Berlin promotes social participation - across generations and with a sense of tradition.

  • Town Hall & Politics

Rüdersdorf bei Berlin has a modern and citizen-orientated municipal council and administration.