Business location

More than just building materials

Economy and trade

The municipality of Rüdersdorf near Berlin is an important business location in the eastern outskirts of Berlin. The municipality has been an important location for the building materials industry for many centuries. At the same time, the course is being set to attract innovative and low-emission industries to the municipality in the future. The good transport links provided by the A 10 motorway, the federal highways 1/5 and the Rüdersdorf harbour on Lake Kriensee, which is operated by CEMEX GmbH and is located on the federal waterway, represent a significant locational advantage.

Rüdersdorf's industrial estates are mainly orientated along the B1 / B5 in Tasdorf and Herzfelde, which cross the municipal area. In addition to the CEMEX Deutschland AG site in Herzfelde, the main areas are the Tasdorf Süd industrial estate with the parcel centre of the Deutsche Post subsidiary DHL.

However, the municipality is also an important healthcare location with the Immanuel Klinik, located on the eastern shore of Kalksee, as an acute and standard care hospital and university clinic of the Brandenburg Medical School, as well as the Klinik am See as a rehabilitation centre for internal medicine. There are also various specialists, a polyclinic, physiotherapists and general practitioners in almost all districts. The healthcare sector is now the largest employer in the municipality.


  • Trade tax: 300 %
  • Property tax A: 280 %
  • Property tax B: 385 %

Economic development

The Economic Development Agency is the central contact and coordination centre for companies, investors and start-ups in the municipality of Rüdersdorf bei Berlin. We are at your disposal as a point of contact for your relocation project and other business-related issues.

Daneben dienen verschiedene Veranstaltungen der Wirtschaftsförderung der Vernetzung der Unternehmen untereinander. z.B. die Bunte Meile oder der Wirtschaftsempfang der Bürgermeisterin.

Another focus is cooperation with the schools in the municipality. In 2023, the first company exploration day was held together with Heinitz-Gymnasium.

Our business parks at a glance

A total of approx. 366 ha of commercial development areas (shown in grey) are designated within the land use plan. These include

  • Tasdorf-South

    The Tasdorf-Süd industrial estate was developed in 1992. It is occupied by a good variety of sectors, including services, the paper industry, metal production, the motor trade and transport companies. There are currently no vacant, available sites.

  • Area Frankfurter Chaussee

    There are several companies in the building materials industry (concrete plant, building materials recycling plant) between Kriensee and the B1/5. The sites have a railway connection and direct access to the B 1/5. There are no vacant, available sites.

  • Dry mortar plant

    This commercial site is located directly on the B1/5 and is used by a logistics company and a building materials company on the basis of legally binding project and development plans. A waste transfer station is also located here. There are no vacant, available areas.

  • Cement plant

    The areas around the cement plant / lime works represent the largest actively utilised commercial development area in Rüdersdorf near Berlin. They extend from the B1/5 to Strausberger Straße, which connects Herzfelde with Hennickendorf, and are bordered to the north by the works railway line. Directly adjacent to the cement works to the west of Siedlerweg are commercial development areas. A logistics company, a building materials company and the industrial power plant are located here. There are no vacant, available sites.

  • Poplar grove Hennickendorf

    The industrial estate in the Hennickendorf district was developed in 1998. The approx. 15-hectare area is primarily home to small and medium-sized commercial enterprises as well as retail and service companies. The few remaining free capacities have not yet been developed and are therefore not currently being marketed. In terms of planning law, the industrial estate is secured by a development plan.

  • Industrial estate Berliner Straße Hennickendorf

    The long-term goal of the land use plan (FNP) is to reduce the commercial and industrial use of this area (6.89 ha) in the rear area in order to enable the planned residential developments at Stienitzsee. For this purpose, a commercial area characterised by the landscape is shown in the FNP, overlaid with areas for use restrictions or for precautions to protect against harmful environmental effects as defined by the Federal Immission Control Act. The existing businesses in the rear area are protected. There are no free, available areas.

  • Herzfelde Industrial Park

    The industrial estate is located directly on the B1/5. It was developed with a development plan that came into force in 1993. The mix of industries is very diverse and ranges from logistics, trades and services to the production of building materials. There are currently no vacant, available sites.

In addition, the municipality's land utilisation plan includes potential commercial areas as building land reserves. This concerns the long-term potential area on the B 1 / B 5 (35.5 ha) and the medium-term potential area west of the DHL distribution centre (21 ha).