Am 27.1.2025 lädt die Gemeinde um 16 Uhr zu einer Gedenkveranstaltung auf den Kolonistenfriedhof ein. Unter musikalischer Begleitung wird den Opfern des Holocaust gedacht.
Die Kita “Sonnenschein“ bietet auch weiterhin 1x pro Monat von 15 - 16 Uhr eine Spielegruppe an. Angesprochen sind Eltern mit Kindern von 0-7 Jahren, die unsere Kita “Sonnenschein“ etwas näher kennenlernen und sich gerne mit anderen Eltern und ihren Kindern treffen möchten.
The exhibition will open on 14 January 2025 at 4 pm. The artworks were created by people with acquired brain injury from the "Haus Rüdersdorfer Grund" of RC reweca Berlin gGmbH.
At the beginning of the year, a new GP practice opens in Hennickendorf - the GP practice at Stienitzsee with Mrs Klinder's team. Dr Peikert's practice moves to Kagel on 1 April 2025.
From 1 January 2025, the MaerkerPlus portal will no longer be offered. The Maerker will continue to exist. MaerkerPlus was a discussion platform that never really established itself.
At the last meeting of the municipal council, the amendment to the dog tax statutes was rejected - an amendment to the statutes is nevertheless necessary. There will be a new proposal.
The municipal administration, including the citizens' office, will be closed on 23, 27 and 30 December 2024 as part of a bridge day. No mail processing will take place during this time.