1 April 2023 - Spring cleaning 2023

REMINDER: this year's spring cleaning will take place next Saturday.


Press release 2023/07 of the municipality of Rüdersdorf near Berlin

Traditionally held on the last Saturday before Easter, this year's spring clean will take place on 1 April 2023 from 9 am in all districts of the municipality of Rüdersdorf bei Berlin. The organising team from the public order office and the Rüdersdorf Environmental Working Group (RUAK) is counting on the active participation of many volunteers, clubs, organisations, parties and associations.

Under the motto "A clean townscape increases the quality of life for everyone!", the municipality and RUAK are calling for litter to be removed from public areas, along paths and in public green spaces. Containers will be set up in advance at larger cleaning sites. For the collection campaign, rubbish bags can be collected from the local authority's public order office (Puschkinstraße 5, 15562 Rüdersdorf bei Berlin) during opening hours and collection points can be arranged.

After the clean-up, all those involved can enjoy coffee, drinks and cake on the grounds of the community centre of the Protestant church (Hans-Striegelski-Str. 7, 15562 Rüdersdorf bei Berlin, opposite the town hall) from 11 am. The local DLRG group will also be providing warm refreshments from 12 noon. In the district of Hennickendorf, there will also be a refreshment station in the HSV sports centre (OT Hennickendorf, Ringstrasse, 15378 Rüdersdorf bei Berlin). The Friedrich bakery will sponsor cakes and EDEKA will sponsor sandwiches.

All citizens are called upon to actively participate in spring cleaning. Even outside of this cleaning date, it is a great help if residents carry out a basic clean-up in public areas in front of their property. In principle, it is also possible to collect and dispose of rubbish in public areas on other dates - arrangements can be made at ordnungsamt@ruedersdorf.de

regulatory office(at)ruedersdorf.de

or 033638 85 109. If hazardous waste such as batteries, paints, chemicals etc. is found, it should not be mixed with the other waste but collected separately. For large cleaning campaigns, the public order office asks for prior notification of the areas using the above contact addresses.