African swine fever: measures taken by the district of Märkisch-Oderland

Press release 93/2020 of the Mäkrisch-Oderland district

Following the discovery of a wild boar that tested positive for ASF [African swine fever, editor's note], a provisional endangered area with a radius of around 20 kilometres was initially established. A general ruling under animal health law was drawn up, setting out specific measures for both the endangered area and the core zone. The measures are necessary and serve to determine the current spread and prevent the further spread of ASF.

The measures include:

  • the hunting ban for all animal species in order to avoid unnecessarily scaring off potentially infected wild boar,
  • the intensive search for fallen game,
  • Provisional prohibition of use for agricultural and forestry land,
  • the recovery and safe disposal of all wild boar carcasses under hygienic conditions,
  • the obligation to keep dogs on a lead in the endangered area.

In the core area, it is also stipulated that

  • vehicle traffic in and out of the core area is only permitted to persons designated by the district of Märkisch-Oderland. Residents are exempt from this regulation,
  • entering the forest and open countryside is prohibited.

The detailed animal health general ruling and all other information can be found on the Märkisch-Oderland district website .

You can also find the map with the established zones at: