Current information on the planting day

On Saturday, 11 November and Sunday, 12 November, the second planting action day will start in our municipality. Here you will find an overview of the areas that will be planted with crocuses and winter aconites. Anyone who spontaneously feels like taking part can turn up at the appropriate times at the areas or meeting points and join in the planting. Please bring your own work materials such as gloves, shovels, spades and planting wood. We look forward to many energetic helpers:

Hennickendorf (Saturday, 11 November)

  • Meeting point 9.30 am Community Centre, Berliner Str. 1

Lichtenow (11 and 12 November)

  • Flower bulbs will be distributed on 11 November from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Lichtenow municipal office, Dorfstraße 96, for those who would like to plant in front of their own property
  • on Sunday, 12 November 10 a.m. at the corner of Zum Bruch/Fließweg and at the entrance stone to Hennickendorfer Weg

Herzfelde (12 November)

  • Meeting point 10 am Community Centre Herzfelde, Möllenstr. 12

Rüdersdorf (12 November)

  • 10 am: Torellplatz
  • 10 a.m.: Meadow opposite the EDEKA car park (Brückenstr.)
  • 10 a.m.: Bend Breitscheidstraße/Bergstraße in the direction of the town hall