Adaptation of the corona rules

Indoor contact sports possible / Relaxation of social distancing rules in restaurants / Fines for those who refuse to wear masks / No major events until New Year

Excerpts from the state government's press release
The state government has agreed further amendments to the coronavirus regulations. The main points include: Indoor contact sports are once again possible for over 27-year-olds under certain conditions, and up to six guests from different households can sit at the same table in restaurants without distancing. Erotic massages are permitted again. Private and family celebrations in private homes or gardens with more than 75 people present at the same time are prohibited, and large events with more than 1,000 guests present at the same time remain banned until New Year 2021. Anyone who wilfully refuses to wear a face mask will have to pay a fine of between 50 and 250 euros in future.

What's new in the SARS-CoV-2 Ordinance
The Ordinance on the Handling of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus and COVID-19 in Brandenburg (SARS-CoV-2 Ordinance) will remain in force until 11 October 2020 inclusive. The measures will therefore be extended by five weeks.
Finesfor violating the mask requirement: In Brandenburg, people who deliberately violate the mask requirement must expect a fine of at least 50 euros. Repeat offenders and notorious mask-refusers face fines of up to 250 euros. Anyone who accidentally does not wear a face mask but then immediately fulfils the obligation to wear a mask when asked to do so should not have to pay a fine. However, it is important to remember that face masks must always be worn correctly! The obligation refers to covering the mouth and nose. Unfortunately, many people wear their face masks incorrectly - under their nose. This offers no protection! This is because viruses are also excreted through the nose, even during normal exhalation.
Medical certificate as proof of exemption from the mask requirement for health reasons: People who are unable or cannot reasonably be expected to wear a face mask due to a disability or for health reasons are exempt from the obligation to wear a mask in the state of Brandenburg. Previously, the ordinance stated: "This must be substantiated in a suitable manner." However, this poses difficulties for many of those affected in practice if they are not believed. Many people with disabilities complain about problems in everyday life. There are also an increasing number of cases in which people only feign a health reason in order to avoid the obligation. For this reason, the Contact Ordinance provides relief at this point for all those who are actually unable to wear a face covering: Now the exemption from the mask requirement in the case of a disability or for health reasons must be proven by a medical certificate. Certificates are issued by the attending physicians. The doctors decide purely on medical grounds. Anyone who can present a medical certificate is allowed to shop and use local public transport without a face mask. This also creates security for the operators, who also have to fear fines in the event of violations.
Upper limit for private parties: Private parties are currently the greatest source of danger for major outbreaks, alongside travellers returning home. For this reason, the state of Brandenburg is also introducing an upper limit: private parties in private homes and associated pacified property with more than 75 people present at the same time are prohibited. If this upper limit is not adhered to, the organisers face a fine of 250 to 1,000 euros. Important: the general hygiene and social distancing rules apply to all events. Even at private parties with fewer than 75 people present at the same time, a minimum distance of 1.5 metres must be maintained between people (this does not apply to spouses or partners, members of their own household or persons with custody or legal or court-ordered rights of access).
This upper limit does not apply to private parties that take place in a restaurant or community hall, for example. Here, the number of participants is determined exclusively by the size of the room in conjunction with the minimum distance of 1.5 metres between guests.
In closed rooms, the following applies to all events: the room air must be regularly replaced with fresh air and the personal data of guests must be recorded for possible contact tracing and stored for a period of four weeks in compliance with data protection regulations.
Relaxation of the distance rule in restaurants: In future, up to six people will be allowed to sit at a table in restaurants and similar establishments without observing the minimum distance of 1.5 metres. Previously, seating in restaurants in Brandenburg had to be positioned in such a way that a minimum distance of 1.5 metres could be maintained between guests. Exceptions were only permitted for spouses and partners as well as members of their own household.
Indoor contact sports are once again possible under certain conditions without age restrictions: fixed groups in team sports (e.g. football, volleyball, handball, basketball) of no more than 30 people and in individual sports (e.g. wrestling, judo, taekwondo) of no more than five people may train in the sports hall and other enclosed spaces. From 5 September, the age of the athletes will no longer play a role. Previously, this was only permitted for people up to the age of 27. For competitions in sports in which it is impossible to comply with social distancing rules when practising sport, a maximum of 100 people (competitors and officials) may now be present at the same time during competitions in enclosed spaces. However, the exception to the general distancing requirement only applies to pure sports practice.
No more restrictions for sports practice at universities: The rules that already apply to sports lessons at schools will also be transferred to teaching events in sports practice at universities. This means that there will no longer be any restrictions on sport here either.
Erotic massages: Brandenburg has relaxed the rules for the prostitution trade for the first time. Erotic massages without sexual intercourse are permitted again, as they have a lower risk of infection, similar to other services close to the body. The service may only be offered by appointment and exclusively for individuals. Operators must ensure the control and restriction of access and the stay of persons, the regular exchange of room air with fresh air, the wearing of a face mask and the recording of personal data.

This is new in the SARS-CoV-2 quarantine ordinance
The quarantine ordinance has also been extended until 11 October 2020.
Exemption from the quarantine obligation also for truck drivers, train drivers and pilots as well as for commuters: Until now, the ordinance provided for an exemption from the quarantine obligation for persons who only enter the state of Brandenburg for transit purposes. This exemption now also applies to persons who transport people, goods, mail or goods across borders by road, rail, ship or plane for professional reasons, or who enter the state of Brandenburg on a daily basis or for up to five days for work-related reasons that are absolutely necessary and cannot be postponed, or who enter the state of Brandenburg for the purpose of education, training or further education for professional purposes.
According to the Quarantine Ordinance, persons who enter the state of Brandenburg by land, sea or air from abroad and who have been in a risk area at any time within 14 days prior to entry are generally obliged to go directly to their own home or other suitable accommodation immediately after entry and to isolate themselves there permanently for a period of 14 days after their entry. They are obliged to contact the local health authority responsible for them immediately and inform them of the quarantine obligation. During quarantine, they may not receive visits from persons who do not belong to their household. An ongoing quarantine can be terminated if the test result is negative. In addition, quarantine may be interrupted in order to comply with an officially ordered medical examination for the presence of an infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Note: In the telephone conference between the Federal Chancellor and the heads of government of the federal states on 27 August 2020, it was agreed, among other things, that a new regulation on self-isolation for travellers from risk areas would be introduced from 1 October 2020 if possible. It should then be possible to end self-isolation prematurely by means of a test from the fifth day after return at the earliest. The Federal Ministry of the Interior is to present a corresponding amendment to the Model Quarantine Ordinance by then.

Extension of the Ordinance Prohibiting Large Events
The Ordinance Prohibiting Large Events will be extended until 1 January 2021.
This means that public and non-public events with more than 1,000 guests present at the same time, in particular concerts and similar music events, trade fairs, sporting events, folk festivals and similar events as well as artistic performances of any kind are prohibited until New Year 2021. Only for drive-in cinemas, drive-in theatres, drive-in concerts and similar events can exceptions be granted by the responsible health authority on request in individual cases.