Pruning course on the 50Hertz discovery meadow in Tasdorf on 03 November 2019

The company 50Hertz Transmission GmbH invites all interested parties to the third pruning course as a joint initiative between company employees and Rüdersdorf residents. After holding the first citizens' harvest and two pruning courses on the orchard meadow in Tasdorf in autumn 2018, we want to further enhance the meadow this autumn and prune the fruit trees. We want to harvest apples from well-tended trees again next autumn with enthusiastic citizens from your community. The pruning course consists of a theoretical part, which we carry out at the 50Hertz regional centre. We will then take a motorcade to the practical part at the orchard in Tasdorf.
Start: 10 am sharp at the 50Hertz Regional Centre, Am Umspannwerk 10, 15366 Neuenhagen
End: around 4 pm Tasdorf
Bring pruning tools (shears, saws, work gloves) if you have them. Warm clothes and sturdy shoes are important. We will provide a small snack. The participation fee will be paid by 50Hertz. We look forward to seeing you!

Please register for participation by 25 October 2019 at the following e-mail address: