Announcement of the public display of the decision on the application by WKN GmbH for new authorisation for a wind turbine in 15345 Rehfelde OT Zinndorf

Announcement of the public presentation of the decision
Here: Application by WKN GmbH for the new authorisation of a wind turbine (type Siemens-Gamesa SG6.0-170-6.2MW) in 15345 Rehfelde OT Zinndorf, parcel 4, plot 74

Reg. no.: 006.00.00/21

The construction of a further wind turbine is planned in the neighbouring municipality of Rehfelde, Zinndorf district. Our municipality is involved as an affected neighbouring municipality and must present the permit in accordance with the Federal Immission Control Act together with a copy of the approved application documents as an additional information offer within the meaning of Section 3 (2) sentence 1 PlanSiG. The aforementioned documents are available for inspection during the period

from 11.01.2024 to 24.01.2024

in the citizens' office of the municipal administration in 15562 Rüdersdorf bei Berlin, Hans-Striegelski-Straße 5, for public inspection during office hours. The opening hours of the citizens' office are

Mo9-12and1-5 p.m.
Tue9-12and1-7 p.m.
Thu9-12and1-5 p.m.

The public display will take place in parallel at the Brandenburg State Office for the Environment, Department of Technical Environmental Protection 1, Licensing Office East, Müllroser Chaussee 50, Room 112 in 15236 Frankfurt (Oder) and will be published on the cross-state central EIA internet portal at

Anyone can inspect the approval notice and the application documents in detail. Objections can be raised in writing at the State Office for the Environment or at the citizens' office of the municipality of Rüdersdorf bei Berlin as the issuing authority. For electronic objections, an objection portal can be used at, stating the project ID specified in the notice.

At the end of the display period, the decision is deemed to have been served on the objectors and also on third parties who have not raised any objections.

Rüdersdorf near Berlin, 10.01.2024

Sabine Löser