Rüdersdorf library reopens

Press release 2020/15 of the municipality of Rüdersdorf near Berlin

The main branch of the Friedrich Wilhelm von Reden Library in Rüdersdorf near Berlin will reopen on 23 April 2020, just in time for World Book Day. The branch in Hennickendorf will remain closed for the time being.
In order to comply with the hygiene regulations still required to contain the spread of the novel coronavirus, the following restrictions apply to library visits:

  • Before visiting the library, an appointment must be made by telephone or e-mail (Tel.: 033638 68 223; e-mail: bibliothek@gemeinde-ruedersdorf.info).
  • A maximum of four people may be in the library at the same time.
  • Before entering the library room, hands must be sanitised with the disinfectant provided.
  • Keep a distance of at least 1.5 metres from other people.
  • For your own protection, only people without respiratory or infectious diseases are permitted to use the library.

The returned books will continue to be disinfected and will be returned after one week at the earliest.

Library opening hours
Monday9.00 - 12.00and13.00 - 16.00
Tuesday9.00 - 12.00and13.00 - 18.00
Thursday13.00 - 18.00  
Friday09.00 - 12.00and13.00 - 16.00
Saturdayevery 1st Saturday of the month: 9.00-12.00