Changed traffic routing in the Brückenstraße 82 - 91 area

Due to the closure of the service road at the new secondary school building, the traffic routing in the area of Brückenstraße 82 to 91 had to be adapted. It is not possible to drive over the former NP car park. The service road is not owned by the municipality of Rüdersdorf bei Berlin.
As a result, the one-way traffic regulation in this area had to be cancelled so that the road is now passable in both directions. This regulation will remain in place until further notice.
In order to allow passing traffic, two alternative areas have been created in the area of Brückenstraße 88 to 91. There is an absolute stopping ban in these areas. Please keep them clear so that it is possible to manoeuvre in meeting traffic. Due to the relatively narrow road, we ask you to pay increased attention in the area of the driveway at house number 91. It is imperative to exercise caution and mutual consideration (§ 1 of the German Road Traffic Regulations) here.
We ask for your attention and thank you for your understanding.