Large Rüdersdorf harvest market in the town centre

Press release by Mueseums- und Kultur GmbH Rüdersdorf

To mark the nationwide "Day of the Regions" campaign, the second large harvest market will take place on 7 October from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the Rüdersdorf market square in the town centre. "In addition to the weekly markets, we host our large regional markets twice a year in spring and autumn," explains co-initiator and head of culture Stephen Ruebsam. "At the many market stalls, our guests can experience the diversity of the East Brandenburg region and enjoy cosy feasting and shopping. With the Day of the Regions, we are promoting regional shopping with short supply chains from committed local traders."
The range on Market Saturday extends from cheese and sausage specialities and meat from the Oderbruch region to sweet specialities, handmade soap and freshly smoked fish. The tourism association for the Berlin region will also be there to provide tips for autumn tours in the region.

Rüdersdorf Harvest Market
7. October, 10 am - 3 pm
Marktplatz Rüdersdorf
15562 Rüdersdorf bei Berlin
Tram 88, Rüdersdorf Marktplatz
Admission free