International Fire Brigade Day

Der 4. Mai ist der Tag des Heiligen Florian, dem Schutzpatron der Feuerwehrleute, und wird als Tag der Feuerwehrleute begangen.

In der gesamten Bundesrepublik gibt es knapp über 100 Berufsfeuerwehren, fünf davon liegen in Brandenburg: Cottbus, Brandenburg an der Havel, Eberswalde, Frankfurt (Oder) und Potsdam.

In addition, there are around 23,000 volunteer fire brigades in the state of Brandenburg, in which around 38,000 members are committed to the protection and safety of their fellow citizens. In addition, there are around 14,200 young people who are organised in the youth fire brigade.

What is the difference between the professional fire brigade and the volunteer fire brigade of a municipality?

In Germany, the law stipulates that towns and municipalities with more than 100,000 inhabitants must have a full-time fire brigade. The size of the professional fire brigade depends on the number of inhabitants in the respective city. The professional fire brigade consists of full-time employees who permanently staff a fire station in shifts, wait for call-outs and carry out general tasks within the framework of the station's operations (e.g. hose washing, vehicle maintenance, office work and much more). That is their job and that is what they are paid for.

A volunteer fire brigade usually has unmanned fire stations and after receiving an emergency call, the responsible firefighters are alerted via the regional control centre, then occupy the vehicles and set off on the mission. These firefighters are not paid for this. The volunteer fire brigades are the pillar of the German emergency and disaster control system, providing citizens with a standard of safety that is among the best in the world.

Wenn Sie den Notruf 112 wählen, bekommen Sie professionelle Hilfe. Das weiß eigentlich jeder und jeder geht davon aus, dass dann auch Hilfe kommt.

Doch was sind das für Männer und Frauen, die nach kurzer Zeit bei Ihnen am Einsatzort eingetroffen sind?

These include the men and women of the volunteer fire brigade of the municipality of Rüdersdorf near Berlin with its local fire brigades of Hennickendorf, Herzfelde and Rüdersdorf. Voluntary means that these comrades were still at home, at their child's birthday party, shopping or at work shortly before they arrived. They are drivers, fitters, carpenters, electricians, gardeners and landscapers, etc.

Now the question arises: Can the volunteers help me? YES, because voluntary does not mean amateurish. They undergo high-quality training. If a house is on fire and the fire brigade drives away after the operation, the fire is out - regardless of whether it was extinguished by a volunteer or a professional fire brigade. If you are involved in a road accident, you will also be rescued by the volunteers.

In accordance with the Brandenburg Fire Protection, Assistance and Disaster Control Act of 24 May 2004 and the Act amending the Brandenburg Fire and Disaster Control Act and other regulations of 9 June 2019, fire protection is the responsibility of the local authorities.

You can join the youth fire brigade at the age of 10. But even before that, you can join us from the age of 8 to 10. Depending on your training and age, you will later have the opportunity to take part in selected operations of the emergency services group at the age of 16. From the age of 18, you then switch to the emergency services group and can be a member of the emergency services until the age of 67.

All members of the volunteer fire brigade are insured against accidents by the Fire Brigade Accident Insurance Fund.

Siren alarms have proven their worth over decades and are therefore considered very reliable. Alerting via radio message receivers, on the other hand, has shown us that this does not always achieve the desired result. One of the reasons for this is that the radio network still does not cover the entire area.

Volunteer firefighters are needed to ensure that hazard defence can continue in the future.

In our volunteer fire brigade in the municipality of Rüdersdorf near Berlin, it is not only possible to join the emergency services via the youth fire brigade. Family fathers, mothers and career changers are also welcome to join us as future firefighters.

What requirements should you have?

  • Healthy and somewhat sporty, a medical check will show it
  • Helpful, open-minded and a team player
  • Inhabitants of the municipality

The firefighters will be happy to tell you more about the fire brigade, its tasks and equipment in person.

Have we aroused your interest? Then get in touch:

Hennickendorf local fire brigade
Ernst-Thälmann-Straße 16 A

Emergency services: Thursday 19-21 h
Youth group: Thursday 17-19 h

Contact: Local fire brigade leader Daniel Smyczek

Herzfelde local fire brigade
Hauptstraße 41 A

Emergency services: Wednesday 19-21 h
Youth group: Wednesday 17-19 h

Contact: Local fire brigade leader Matti Schuckert

Rüdersdorf local fire brigade
Puschkinstraße 60

Emergency services: Monday 6-8 p.m.
Youth group: Wednesday 5-7 p.m.

Contact: Local fire brigade leader Manuel Przybylski