Kita Sonnenschein closed until 20.11.2020; no after-school care in the school

A child at the Sonnenschein daycare centre has tested positive for the coronavirus. As a result, all children from the elementary area must go into home quarantine until 20 November 2020. In addition, all educators who have been in contact with the child must also go into home quarantine until 20 November 2020.

Due to the resulting staff shortage, Kita Sonnenschein will be completely closed until 20 November 2020. Today, Monday, emergency care will be provided in the crèche area during regular opening hours.

Until 20 November 2020, early childcare from 6:00 to 7:45 a.m. will be cancelled at the Sonnenschein after-school care centre. Afternoon care from 11:45 to 17:00 will take place as normal.

Parents who require a quarantine certificate for the employer should send an email with the name, date of birth and address of the child and the daycare centre to

health department(at)

NO quarantine certificates can be issued for the crèche area, as the health authority has NOT ordered a quarantine for the crèche, but rather a closure due to a lack of staff.