District Administrator Gernot Schmidt: Donation account set up for flood victims

District Administrator Gernot Schmidt, together with the Märkische Oderzeitung and Lausitzer Rundschau newspapers as well as the Märkisch-Oderland district working group of the Association of Towns and Municipalities and the KAG "Kulturerbe Oderbruch" organisation, is calling for donations for those affected by the floods in Germany.

A donation account has been set up at Sparkasse Märkisch-Oderland with the keyword "Donations Flood Relief 2021".

The flood situation in Rhineland-Palatinate, North Rhine-Westphalia, Bavaria and Saxony reminds us strongly of the Oder flood in 1997 and the inland flood in 2010/2011, where we also had an extreme situation and many people in our region saw their belongings threatened. The existential fear was omnipresent.

We all still remember the pictures of the masses of water that the Märkische Oderzeitung newspaper impressively summarised under the title "The Flood" during the Oder flood of 1997.

At the time, we were very impressed by the great willingness of people from all over Germany to help. Numerous helpers came to support us, especially from the areas now affected.

With numerous donations, it was possible to repair a lot of the destruction in the Oderbruch region. This willingness to help gave us a lot of courage and the strength of the community made a deep impression on us. Thousands of people in the flooded areas are now facing the same situation.

District Administrator Gernot Schmidt: "Now it's up to us to help those affected."

That is why we, the chairmen and deputies of the municipal working groups, the mayors of Wriezen, Golzow and Letschin, together with the district administrator and in close cooperation with the towns, offices and municipalities of the Märkisch-Oderland district, are calling for donations for the 2021 flood relief campaign.

We would like to use the money collected to provide concrete support in the flood-damaged regions to help repair and overcome the flood damage.

Märkisch-Oderländer, show with your donation that solidarity in coping with unforeseeable natural events in Germany is unbroken.

Donation account at Sparkasse Märkisch-Oderland
Payee: District of Märkisch-Oderland
IBAN: DE39 1705 4040 0020 0662 95
Keyword: Donations Flood Relief 2021