Leaf bag disposal

Paper sacks from the local authority's leaf bag campaign are repeatedly placed at the roadside on the collection dates for green waste (not organic waste bins) from the Märkisch-Oderland waste disposal company (EMO). These are not disposed of by EMO.

Please note the following:

  • Only leaf bags labelled "Märkisch-Oderland Grünabfallsammlung" or with banderoles labelled "Märkisch-Oderland Entsorgung von Ast- und Strauchwerk" are disposed of as part of EMO's green waste collection.
  • Bags and banderoles are available for a fee at these points of sale. Payment of the fee covers the full cost of disposing of green and garden waste.
  • The municipality's free leaf bagging campaign only takes place in autumn and is only for the disposal of street leaves.
  • Information on collection dates and points of sale can be found on the website of the Märkisch-Oderland waste disposal company.