Masks compulsory from 27 April 2020, further easing from 4 May

To further contain the spread of the novel coronavirus, the obligation to wear a face mask on public transport and in retail will apply from Monday, 27 April 2020 .
This does not have to be a certified mask. Rather, it is sufficient if the mouth-nose covering "is suitable by its nature to reduce the spread of transmissible droplet particles when coughing, sneezing, speaking or breathing, regardless of any labelling or certified protection category." (Section 11 (2) of the SARS-CoV-2 Containment Ordinance).

Homemade masks can be purchased at the Rüdersdorf clothing store (Kalkberger Platz 32, Tel.: 033638 43 85) from Monday to Thursday (9.00-15.30) for 2€/piece.

From 4 May 2020, the following further relaxations will apply:

  • Meetings in the open air with a maximum of 50 people and with prior authorisation.
  • Church services with a maximum of 50 people.
  • Hairdressers are allowed to reopen.
