Public announcement of the association inspection for waters of the second order

In accordance with Section 6 of the Association's Articles of Association in the version dated 1 January 2021 in conjunction with Section 44 of the Water Association Act, the "Stöbber-Erpe" Water and Soil Association hereby publicly announces that in the

Municipality of Rüdersdorf
with the villages of Rüdersdorf, Hennickendorf, Lichtenow

on 06.09.2022, time: 9.00 a.m.
Meeting point: Town Hall, Hans-Striegelski-Str. 5, 15562 Rüdersdorf

the association inspection of the waters of the II. order in the association area.

For this purpose, property owners or users of neighbouring properties on watercourses of the second order must grant access to the watercourses in accordance with § 26 Para. 1 and § 33 Para. 1 of the Water Association Act. For this purpose, property owners or users of adjoining properties along watercourses of the second order must grant the association's inspection officers access to the watercourses in accordance with § 26 Para. 1 and § 33 Para. 1 of the Water Association Act.

It is hereby pointed out that the neighbouring communities, the owners of the water bodies to be inspected, the riparian owners, any downstream riparians, those entitled to use the water bodies, the recognised nature conservation associations, the agricultural and technical authorities and other interested parties have the opportunity to participate and make comments.

The list of the inspection officer and the list of the association's waters can be inspected at the association's office during business hours:

Mon - Thu 7.00 - 16.30 and Fri 7.00 - 12.00 by appointment.

Address of the office:
Wasser- und Bodenverband "Stöbber-Erpe"
Ernst-Thälmann-Str. 5
15345 Rehfelde

Rehfelde, the 04.07.2022

Show commissioner
Andreas Mundt