Regional market Rüdersdorf on Saturday, 10 June 2023

This Saturday, visitors to the Rüdersdorf regional market can once again expect an attractive range of local stalls on the market square in Rüdersdorf. Come along from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and be inspired by the following stands, among others:

  • Fruit and vegetables from the region (Mr Stadie)
  • Wood-fired oven bakery (Mr Baumgärtel)
  • Oils and spices (Naturgesund)
  • Salads, olives (delicatessen friends)
  • Meat and sausage specialities (Mrs Aurich)
  • Fruit, vegetables, Polish specialities (Mr Maruszak)
  • Jewellery (Mrs Bär)
  • Beekeeping (Mr Zahir)

We look forward to seeing you and hope you enjoy shopping at our Saturday market.