Closure of the Rüdersdorf junction from 6 October to 25 November 2022

PRESS RELEASE of Autobahn GmbH des Bundes, Branch Office North-East

Hohen Neuendorf, 28/09/2022: Since June, construction work has been underway to completely replace the concrete carriageway with an asphalt surface course on the carriageway in the direction of the Spreeau motorway junction and to renew the existing asphalt surface course on the carriageway in the direction of the Barnim motorway junction across the entire cross-section. Next week, work will begin on renewing the asphalt surface courses on the ramps at the Rüdersdorf junction.

The conversion of the traffic routing for the final construction phase to produce the new asphalt surface on the 1st lane and the hard shoulder will take place from 6 to 14 October 2022. In addition to the deceleration lane of the exit of the Rüdersdorf slip road, the asphalt surface courses on the ramps of the Rüdersdorf slip road will also be renewed up to the junction with the L302.

In this context, the Rüdersdorf junction will be completely closed from 6.10.2022, 18:00 to 25.11.2022, 18:00.

The diversions are signposted and lead via the Berlin-Hellersdorf junction (U 23 and U Rüdersdorf).

In addition to the signposted maximum speed limit of 80 km/h, a speed limit of 60 km/h ("weekdays 6-18 h") applies along approx. 2 km of the immediate construction area on weekdays for work safety reasons!

The reciprocal use of the L302 from Rüdersdorf to Schöneiche and from Schöneiche to Rüdersdorf with the aid of a mobile traffic light is planned for the period from 7 to 11 November 2022. This will be activated / deactivated at the beginning and end of the daily construction activities.

We ask for your understanding and attention as well as increased vigilance.
Obstructions are to be expected.