Circulation pump Kleiner Stienitzsee

Since yesterday, there has been a suspicion of blue-green algae infestation in the Kleiner Stienitzsee. As a result, the municipality of Rüdersdorf near Berlin is increasingly being asked questions about the circulation pump and suspicions are being raised that the pump is not working.

The circulation pump was cleaned and checked just last week by the municipal building yard together with an electrician. The pump is running smoothly.

Due to the specifications of the manufacturer, who carried out the installation many years ago, the pump always runs for 2 hours and is then switched off for an hour. In this mode, the pump runs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This is the optimum setting for the requirements of the Kleiner Stienitzsee.

At such hot temperatures, an infestation of blue-green algae cannot be prevented, even with a pump. However, thanks to the pump, the condition occurs later and the climate of the lake is generally better.

Addendum 5 August 2022, 10 a.m.:
The team from the building yard will check the pump again on site this afternoon.

Addition 11 August 2022:
In the 33rd calendar week, there will be an on-site appointment with a specialist company at the pump. The pump is running, but there are doubts about its full performance.

Addendum 18 August 2022:
The pump was checked on site by a specialist company from Strausberg and the building yard. It was determined that it is not fully functional. For this reason, the pump will be dismantled in the coming week and transported to the Strausberg company's workshop for inspection/repair.