whistleblower protection act

Whistleblower Protection Act

Possibility to report grievances

Whistleblower Protection Act

Whistleblower Protection Act

Ways and contact for reporting grievances

Mr Seidenschwarz, Whistleblower Reporting Office Officer


What grievances and violations could be reported?

Abuses and violations could affect the following areas, among others:

  • public procurement,
  • Financial services, financial products and financial markets as well as the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing,
  • Product safety and conformity,
  • Road safety,
  • Environmental protection,
  • Radiation protection and nuclear safety,
  • Food and feed safety, animal health and animal welfare,
  • public health,
  • Consumer protection,
  • Protection of privacy and personal data as well as security of network and information systems;
  • Infringements of the Union's financial interests within the meaning of Article 325 TFEU and as more precisely defined in relevant Union measures;
  • infringements of internal market rules within the meaning of Article 26(2) TFEU, including infringements of Union rules on competition and State aid, as well as infringements of internal market rules in relation to acts which infringe corporate tax rules or in relation to agreements which are intended to obtain a tax advantage contrary to the object or purpose of the applicable corporate tax law.